Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mental Disorder Disability Impairments

If you were not aware as of 12/18/07 there have been Social Security Administration updates to Mental Disorder Disability Impairments.

Below is a list of mental disability impairments:

  • 12.02 - Organic Mental Disorders
  • 12.03 - Schizophrenic, paranoid and other psychotic disorders
  • 12.04 - Affective disorders
  • 12.05 - Mental retardation
  • 12.06 - Anxiety-related disorders
  • 12.07 - Somatoform disorders
  • 12.08 - Personality disorders
  • 12.09 - Substance addiction disorders
  • 12.10 - Autistic disorder and other pervasive developmental disorders
In order to receive Social Security disability (SSD) benefits medical evidence and an assessment of the severity of functional limitations must be documented.

Medical Evidence
Social Security must be provided with the existence of medically determinable impairment(s) through medical evidence. To document this evidence must be provided to the symptoms, signs and laboratory findings (including psychological tests). Symptoms are defined as your own description of mental impairments. Though not in all cases, symptoms and signs generally cluster together forming a recognizable mental disorder.

Measuring Severity
Social Security will measure the severity of the mental disorder according to the functional limitations the condition imposes. Functional limitations are assessed by reviewing: activities of daily living (ADL), social functioning, concentration and persistence among others.

The full description of mental impairments impairments is available at

Looking to make more sense of mental disability impairments? The language can be difficult to understand by most, however a experienced mental impairment lawyer can help explain the process, gather the required information and present your benefits claim to Social Security. If you think you have a disability claim that can be won and are afraid to handle your disability case on your own, please consider contacting a mental disorder disability lawyer. You will be surprised how disability attorney fees are structured to help you win back benefits and ensure you are receiving the maximum benefits you are entitled to.

Learn more about Social Security Disability Lawyers