Thursday, August 21, 2008

Winning Bipolar SSI Disability

Living with bipolar disorder is a roller coaster ride of highs and lows that make it very difficult to create appropriate social relationships or hold down a traditional job. Bipolar SSI disability benefits may be an option that allows those suffering from bipolar disorder to focus their time and energy on staying healthy and stable, as well as removing the stress and demands that come along with employment.

If you are bipolar and considering applying for SSI disability benefits, an experienced SSI lawyer can help you review the facts of your claim and prepare for a bipolar SSI disability case.

A large part of the case will be about proving your disability, so documenting your symptoms will be an extremely important step. As you and your SSI lawyer prepare to make a bipolar SSI disability claim, document anything that is related to being bipolar. Moodswings, feelings, thoughts of depression or elation and changes in attitude can all help prove your disability. It's always better to document too much information than too little, so be sure to make notes of when you're feeling manic, depressed or tearful, along with other feelings. How long the mood lasts and how often you feel that way are important things to note.

Removing yourself from social situations you're normally comfortable in, or stopping regular activities can also be a symptom of bipolar disorder and should be documented. Alternately, acting much more social than you typically would can also be a symptom, so be sure to document that as well. Continuing to see your doctors or counselors is very important as well, since they'll also be able to provide evidence of your disorder.

To learn more about bipolar disorder and how an experienced SSI attorney will be able to help you, click the links below for a free evaluation of your case.

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Resources: Looking for Additional Social Security Disability information?

  • Need to apply for Social Security Disability?
  • Have you been denied Social Security Disability?
  • Do you want to appeal a Social Security Disability case?

1-800-507-4774 is a website with SSDI and SSI Disability information. Learn more about disability cases, how to apply for disability and how to appeal a denied Social Security Disability case.