Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Shortages in the SS System

With waves of baby boomers set to retire in the next few years, the state of the Social Security system is at serious risk. Simply put, the government is going to run out of money as they try to uphold the Social Security standards currently in place. Some estimate that the money will be gone by 2040, and workers who paid into the program throughout their lives find that they won't be able to receive payments. With a rapidly increasing awareness of the problems, the government is working on solutions that could make a big impact and turn the problematic course around.

However, the risk is still significant, and affects not only those nearing retirement age, but anyone who could suffer from a disease that qualifies them for SSI disability benefits. When the Social Security Administration funds hit rock bottom, those applying or receiving SSI benefits could be left with nothing.

For many, SSI disability benefits are their main source of income, and a collapse of the social security system could be devastating. Luckily, a collapse is not imminent. By examining the system and the needs of the people, the Social Security Administration should be able to alter the system to best serve both retirees and those who require SSI disability benefits.

Looking to learn more? Below are links for Social Security lawyers.

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Resources: Looking for Additional Social Security Disability information?

  • Need to apply for Social Security Disability?
  • Have you been denied Social Security Disability?
  • Do you want to appeal a Social Security Disability case?

1-800-507-4774 is a website with SSDI and SSI Disability information. Learn more about disability cases, how to apply for disability and how to appeal a denied Social Security Disability case.