Often deserving SSDI claims are denied because the proper documentation is not in place to support the claim. When an application is denied there is an appeal process.
Understanding the Social Security Disability Appeal Process
You have options should your claim be denied. Please do not give up. You can appeal your denial by filing a request for reconsideration within 60 days of your claim being denied. Should this appeal also be denied there is another appeal in the form of a hearing. This hearing is held before a Social Security judge.Social Security Judges vs. Claim Agents
Your case will initially be handed by a Social Security claim agent to determine if you qualify for SSDI. Should your case be denied and you appeal your case will be presented to a Social Security Judge. These judges have more decision making power than claim agents. When having an appeal hearing before a judge it is recommended having a social security disability lawyer present. This will greatly improve your chances of winning your SSDI claim.Social Security Appeals Council and Federal District Court
If you lose your hearing there are still two options:- The Appeals Council
- Federal District Court
Should your case make it to this level you should seek out the representation of an experienced lawyer.
As you can see, it can take time to get your SSDI claim approved. Should you lose your case initially, don't panic. There are several appeal opportunities. If you feel you need help building your SSDI claim then look to consult an experienced lawyer that has experience with SSDI claims.
Learn more about Social Security Disability Lawyers