Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Do I need a lawyer for my SSDI case?

People often ask, “Do I need a lawyer to help me with my social security disability income (SSDI) claim?

Social Security personnel are trained to answer with a "no." This is because you have the option to represent yourself.

Let's Rephrase the question…

Are my chances of winning better if I hire a lawyer than if I do it on my own?

The SSA personnel are specifically trained to answer this question as well. The response you will receive: "We cannot answer that."

The Benefit of Lawyers representing your Social Security Disability Income Claim:

Across the country people that have lawyers representing their SSDI claim win more often than people that don't. It's just that simple.

This blog is resource for all looking to win their SSDI benefits claim. To discuss your individual situation or if you require additional resources, please talk to a social security disability lawyer for a free consultation.