Monday, July 14, 2008

Win SSI Benefits Without a Hearing

Want to win SSI Benefits without a SSI hearing? It isn't easy, but its possible. Remember the majority of SSI applications are denied at the application level. If denied you have the opportunity to appeal at the SSI Request for Reconsideration level, however the same group of people that just denied your original application are going to be the ones that have to admit being wrong. In other words, if you lose your initial application, there's a good chance you'll lose at the Request for Reconsideration level. Once that happens its time to be prepared for court (and you will want a SSI lawyer at your hearing).

If you have a new SSI application or are preparing to submit your SSI application then make sure you are taking the time to carefully look at SSI disability impairments and symptoms information. It is so critical at this level to document your disability and present the Social Security Administration with the proper evidence to ensure you have the best chances of winning initially. Winning at the application level means you would not need to have to attend a Social Security hearing.

You may want to consider choosing a SSI lawyer to help out with your SSI claim. You can find information about a free case evaluation in the below text.

Disability Lawyer Blog: Links & Free Case Evaluation

Click to Ask a Question from a:
Social Security Disability Attorney

Free Disability Case Evaluation from a:

Social Security Disability Lawyer

Resources: Looking for Additional Social Security Disability information?

  • Need to apply for Social Security Disability?
  • Have you been denied Social Security Disability?
  • Do you want to appeal a Social Security Disability case?

1-800-507-4774 is a website with SSDI and SSI Disability information. Learn more about disability cases, how to apply for disability and how to appeal a denied Social Security Disability case.