Monday, January 7, 2008

Your SSI Disability Hearing and Doctor Notes

If you were a judge, which statement has more impact?

  1. “Ouch it hurts!”
  2. “I am unable to stand/work for more than 15 minutes every 3 hours.”

Statements like “Ouch it hurts!” will not give a judge specific vocational limitations at your SSI hearing. Your case needs to have supporting material that documents your disability. Getting supporting material and documents for your disability claim takes time. This is where a SSI lawyer working with your doctor can be a good resource.

Translating Medical Records: Have you ever noticed how much of your medical file with your doctor is handwritten? Often difficult to read, doctor’s notes are very important and can make or break your SSI disability claim. Your doctor’s primary focus is helping with the treatment of your disability. If Social Security cannot understand your doctor’s handwriting, your case could be at risk. It is important your lawyer has your doctor’s medical notes in a form that is legible. Your lawyer will want to translate your doctor’s medical findings into work limitations to help build your SSI case.

Learn more about Social Security Disability Lawyers