Friday, September 19, 2008

Can you win bipolar disability?

Those suffering from bipolar disorder who are fighting for their bipolar social security disability benefits have an uphill battle. In the beginning of the process, many people file their application on their own, only to later realize how complicated a benefits case can become. If you've filed your application on your own, without legal representation, you've probably begun to realize that you may be in over your head. Filing an original bipolar social security disability claim is only the beginning, since it's very likely that the case will require an appeal and then subsequent appeals.

There are attorneys who specialize in bipolar social security disability cases, and involving one of them in your case can be incredibly helpful. After trying many previous disability cases, specializing attorneys are very familiar with exactly what must be done for the claim to be successful. By bringing an Social Security disability attorney onto your team, you'll be able to benefit from that exclusive knowledge as you present your bipolar social security disability case.

Keeping track of all of the symptoms of your disorder is an important step. If you've experienced new or different symptoms since originally filing your case, let your attorney know. Any and all symptoms can affect a bipolar social security disability case, so try to keep track as you experience them. Typically, bipolar people will go through manic and depressive periods. Signs of the manic periods could include restlessness and the need for less sleep, talking very rapidly, poor judgement, increased sexual activity and extreme change sin mood.

To help your attorney prepare your appeals, track your symptoms carefully. Be very detailed- if you experience rapidly changing moods, make a note of what started the cycle. Track when and how much you're sleeping. Write down specific notes about when you experience impaired judgement, if you can. Continue seeing your regular doctors and therapists, as well. All these details will help build your bipolar social security disability case.

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Resources: Looking for Additional Social Security Disability information?

  • Need to apply for Social Security Disability?
  • Have you been denied Social Security Disability?
  • Do you want to appeal a Social Security Disability case?

1-800-507-4774 is a website with SSDI and SSI Disability information. Learn more about disability cases, how to apply for disability and how to appeal a denied Social Security Disability case.