Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Parkinson's SSI Disability - Do you Qualify?

The symptoms of Parkinson's disease are wide reaching and intense. In combination and at their worst, they can leave sufferers feeling as if they're jailed in their own minds. As time goes on and symptoms continue to increase, holding down a traditional full-time job is often no longer possible.

When the disease interferes with work and earning a livelihood, it's time to consider filing for Parkinson's disease SSDI benefits. Working with an attorney who specializes in Parkinson's SSI benefits cases is key, as they'll be able to guide you through the process. The application stage is only the beginning in this case, and could well be followed by several hearings and appeals.

As you prepare your application for Parkinson's disease SSI benefits, you and your lawyer will want to work together to make sure it is comprehensive and describes all the symptoms that you suffer from. As a central-nervous system disease, Parkinson's makes it impossible for the brain to order your body to move as it used to. The following symptoms are common, and should be mentioned in your Parkinson's disease SSI benefits case, if they've bothered you.

Tremors, often one of the first symptoms, can occur in a very specific body region, or throughout the body. They can be mild or strong, and last for just a little while, or be almost constant.

Muscle stiffness can cause pain in the legs and neck, usually the first places the symptom occurs. It can also occur in the face, making it very difficult to show expression.

Slow motion, officially known as bradykinesia, will happen with increasing regularity, and can even bring motion to a halt.

Digestion problems are caused by the decline of the body's ability to process foods and nutrients. Among other complications, this can lead to a serious lack of energy and malnutrition.

Depression frequently accompanies Parkinson's disease, caused by a chemical in the brain.

As you consider this short list of symptoms while you prepare your Parkinson's disease SSI case, don't rule out others. Be sure to talk with your doctors about other discomforts you've faced and whether they are possibly related to Parkinson's as well.

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NationalDisabilityLawyer.com is a website with SSDI and SSI Disability information. Learn more about disability cases, how to apply for disability and how to appeal a denied Social Security Disability case.